Every Monday morning and Friday afternoon a whole school assembly takes place on the parade grounds, located between the buildings. Messages are passed onto the students and students are rewarded for classroom effort/behaviour (Student of the Week). Assembly is lead by the teachers and commenced with the National Anthem.
The Brookstead School newsletter is published fortnightly and distributed to each family via the eldest student in the family. The newsletter contains general school and community information as well as reports and work samples from the different classrooms. Any announcements for the newsletter must be delivered to the school office by 9am Tuesday morning. Copies are also delivered to the Brookstead shop each fortnight for the benefit of the local community.
Individual student reports are issued at the end of each semester. Parent Teacher interviews are conducted once a year at the beginning of Semester 2.
However if you have any concerns during the year, please make an interview time with your child’s teacher that is mutually suitable. Brookstead School encourage parents/carers to contact teachers and exchange information, to help students achieve the best possible outcome.
Awards night
At the end of each school year an awards night is held at the Brookstead hall to present students from each year level with academic and citizenship awards.
Preschool and Year 6 graduation certificates are presented as well as sporting awards and School and House Captains are announced.
It is the school policy to make parents very welcome to visit or telephone the school to discuss matters of interest or concern. Please try to plan communication before or after school, or during the lunch hour. All teaching staff place great importance on these discussions with parents and are able to spend more time when this occurs outside of teaching time. Please feel free to ring for an appointment.